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wilen - drug addict

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-04-11 20:42

wilen - drug addict

Life just isn't like I pictured
Spendin' everyday tryna fight addicton
And while I'm in it, it's a lie I'm livin'
Let's face the facts, don't wanna die from this shit
Fillin' my nose with speed and smokin' weed
Just ain't a great way to cope with grief
Maybe some -benzodiazepins- will -help me relax at least-
Man, I've used every bad excuse to back into a state of mind
Where you don't know what's to come and follow
Just pop and swallow, don't give a flyin' fuck, fuck tomorrow
And the crazy thing is; when you know it's bad
You're still goin' back, you just ain't in control of that
And I've realized I'm a drug addict and I'm stuck at it...
A drug addict, and I'm stuck at it.
