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PMG - Millions thoughts.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2010-01-12 17:37

PMG - Millions thoughts.

Hej alla, satt och var skrivsugen idag. Och tänkte "varför inte prova skriva på engelska?" Så jag gjorde det, min första seriösa text på engelska =)
Kom ur temat lite mot slutet dock.

Ge kretik, de uppskattas!


I'm a thinker and I've been since I was younger.
why does pain hurt? and why do I feel hunger?
What is it that makes you laugh when it tickles?
How could it be poop out of victuals?
How do you make children? Why does things taste?
Why can it be dangerous for peoples to eat paste?
So many thoughts, I can continue for a long time.
Cause when I was a kid I had many thoughts in my mind.

Why do we live and why do peoples die?
Thought much about what was in the sky.
The sky is big and blue, what can it be?
How would you get up there if you putted yourself to sleep?
Is it beautiful there without worries and mistakes?
Do you get punishments if you misbehave?
Lots of thoughts made me mad in the end
The main thought I had was "who is a friend?"

When I became older, I thought, who am I?
In difficult times, I thought about if I liked live or die?
Taught me to heal wounds, and life went on.
Now I share my thoughts with a microphone.
And when the bridges collapse, I take the music to cure.
The music has made me stronger, I'm not easy to injured.
I live my life as I want, but it's like to walk in darkness.
I don't look out for difficulties and get to pay for my fairness.

Difficulties on the path to happiness, it's the way it is, right?
those two are related, so you have to struggle and fight.
Imagine yourself if no obstacles existed.
Then we would reach to our goals very much quicker.
Then maybe everyone would be on top not only the best.
What would happen then? If The Life wasn't a test?
Yeah? That maybe haven't been so bad?
That's just one of all the thoughts that I have.

Tack på förhand, peace!

I was livin' in the darkness when I saw a light..