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2009-12-09 15:43

H3X - I

Tråkig lektion i kombination med Chino XL i lurarna resulterade i följande;

A new era approaches, heed me, envision
The day they roe have come, finally I’ve risen
You think this talk is smack, well it isn’t
So shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down and listen
I’m the condemned one, twisted and vicious
A renegade, sick and malicious

They will serenade my name
I’m the messiah, I’ll make the world go up flames
The world is mine to rein,
I’ve mastered the system, now I’m cheating the game
The knowledge I’ve attained
Is enough to make all y’all suckers go insane

Those who got close to me, instantly got sick
See I am toxic, sharp as an ice pick
Can’t divert me from my path I am solid like a stone brick
My skill is magic, sort of like a card trick


 Påminnelse: Rap är musik.