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PauseStop - Engelskt försök!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-12-05 20:19

PauseStop - Engelskt försök!

Slänger upp ett försök på engelska, även fast jag inte är så jävla bra på engelska men, aa, blev riktigt sugen på att försöka..så, säg vad ni tycker, blir glad för all kritik jag får såklart!

Så hära kommer den!

Words can't describe what im feeling for you
i know you had alot to do, but i had that to
so slow down, so i can think for while
let me make you happy, so you cant put up a smile
can you see the sines, cus im' trying to lead you now
im making you this song, and please don't ask me why
cus then i'll have to tell you the three words
that is scarring the most, and then you gonna
fumble around, lost, like the other half of the most
so please don't, cus that would be to much for me
so open your eyes and see, the other things
that is sorrounding me, let me close my eyes and sleep
cus i can't take this no more, so grab my hand
before i fall down on the floor
im starting to sink down, my heart is to heavy now
i can't get a word out of my mouth, what is happening
to my blackened loungs, i try to speak with the toung
but the word is stuck in my throath
my heart is beating slow, so i try to grab the telephone
so i can call an ambulance, so i can hear you sing this song

So what am i doing wrong
the haunting shadows won't leave me alone
so this is the meaning of the song
im on a dark path, and i can't find my way home

So please, can you leave me to be
let me see the shadows that, is still sorrounding me
is this really for real, cause this is things that i can't belive
so let me see, the bright light that is looking back at me

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