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Konstgjord - Mobbad

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-11-20 19:53

Konstgjord - Mobbad

hur är livet för "den meningslöse" ?

when life is rough
I close my eyes and think
that I'm not enough
It's so easy to let them win

I walk the corridors like a ghost
And I'm a slave for music
Spectators, all wanna see me fold
but in headphones, I can still see some beauty

It's so easy fight, even more easy to hate
I want to go right, but It's so easy to fail
We're all destined for something
Maybe their destiny is to make my life a hell

I can't do anything about It, that's the way it is
I wasn't born a loser, that's what they made me to be
I just want to fight back, without fighting back
Others would steal their girlfriends, but I can't do that

Superficial, my life is a living hell
But I got my mom, my sister and a couple of friends
I know I'm not pretty, but I could have been worse
I shouldn't let them get to me, this letter will never be heard

It's so easy to blame others, It's so easy to feel hate
I don't wanna blame God, because he gave me a shape
It's not his job to give me a wife, two kids and a perfect life
Though It would be easier to live, If I felt needed by someone

Ibland gör man rätt, ibland gör man fel. Lev med det.
