The reason why im mad- Highdropdown,
en liten text jag knåpade ihop om en polare.. kom gärna med lite kritik :)
im so mad at the world, i can't describe it in words all those bribing turks who run wild, i've been angry at those, even if i never looked close, since i was a child i have been told that they were bad, now the truth have unfold my life sinks in a hole and its just sad, it really was me beeing fooled by my father that mule who beat me up after school cuz he thought that's what fathers do, if i could rewind time and make it disappear in my mind i would never be so blind as to reject any kind of man but what choice did i have, o got brainwashed by dad but now i squashed that fag and i keep goin' even though im sad and that's the story of life and the reason why im mad...
om du vaknar med stående problem, dra några snabba slutsatser så har du snart lösningen i dina händer