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2009-11-12 11:59



Dags för mitt första inlägg här, och mitt försök till att skriva något meningsfullt som jag håller på att gå igenom.

Lägg gärna någon kommentar.

I remember how nervous i was, walking up to her in a club
dressed with a rose, one held in my coat; reserved for her love.
so with notes written in my palm, and roses withering
I expected success from hope, and feel certain for a hug.
so I tapped on her shoulder with a cough; spoke words in a rush
slowly hoping for a response and not get discouraged and such
she smiled and I was calm, but under the surface erupted
cause I'm less than a pro with more than amateur luck
so we spent time together and I showed it was her I wanted
and I gained ground for love during those several months
maybe stressed us both but I saw it turned for the worse for us
so with hope I asked to be official and I seemed not perfect enough
she confessed what I noticed, I seemed to be a friend surplus
so in her essential motives, I could only serve as a fuck
So here I sit trying to get past thinking of these times
but I still want her back in a blink of an eye.