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Document - Babylon

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-11-10 20:39

Document - Babylon

what am i supposed to do when the smoke hit my lungs?
or when blades are aimed to cut out my toungue
the run for existence has already begun
but the plan of direction is still left undone
we have been given some but still we wan´t more
and nothing will be left when we reach the core
don´t mention the trigger that engages our emotions
cus money gives the best effect among all of poisons

im taking of the chains that holds my hands n my feet
i will never loose my faith in babylons defeat
so listen to me friend when im speaking to you
one day i promise our wishes will come true

lets make up our minds before we start to fall
cuz we´re not buildin bridges we´re just buildin walls
children watch and learn from the way we behave
no wonder that they will learn to do the same
how can it be so stupid we belive in human perfection
turning cold within and loosing all effection
ideals makes us blind it´s the babylon-desiese
running away from friends to embrace our enemies

something is wrong with babylon
something is wrong with babylon
something is wrong with babylon
something is wrong with babylon

Master of Irony