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eckow - true emotions

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-07-30 13:52

eckow - true emotions

why am i the way i are?
erase all the good
and make sure that i'll fall
got nothing but bad memories
from you and them, believe?trust?
never ever again,
cause everything is a lie...

i told you what i felt
u never wanted to help
i told what was going on
u didnt believe me
u asked what it would feel like
to do that exray just
so u can tell your boyfriend about
he was going to check his knees...

his knees is more important
than the tumour i just found out
u never thought about my tumour again
and his knees was all you could talk about..

after all the prrof i got from you
after all the words u said to me
after all the things youve done to me...
this was the last time...
for all etirnity

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