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[Veckans Guldkorn v.23] Dummy - Beyond the matrix.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-06-04 02:12

[Veckans Guldkorn v.23] Dummy - Beyond the matrix.

Denna utomordentliga text har blivit utvald till Vecka 23:s Guldkorn!

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- Vi väljer veckans text, vare sig det faller in i er smak eller ej.
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- Vi håller koll på det som skrivs i denna tråd,
så bete er exemplariskt.

Bra jobbat! / Veckans Guldkorn Crew

Hade tänkt spela in den här, men då jag inte har möjlighet till det så lär det inte bli av. Kände mig dock fruktansvärt nöjd med texten så ville ändå dela med mig av den.

Beyond the matrix.

"Forget ideology. They betray. They limit, they lead a stray.
Just deal with the raw data and trust yourself. Nobody is smarter then you are."

Break free from the matrix of societys reality.
Do what ever you please define your own morality.
But always cherish life in her own true totality.
Or the result will turn out to be fatality.

the one great fear of mankind, it has to be time.
the anxiety it yields keeps fucking our mind.
we dont know where we are coming from, we dont know where we are going.
why cant we just live in the moment, together everflowing.
not knowing right now, is it really that hard?
that we have to keep comsuming, fill a hole in our heart.
only sheep everywhere that tries so hard from straying.
that they hold on with their life to the wheel of decaying.
so we better start praying, for a better tomorrow.
to find a glimpse of hope, in this swamp of sorrow.
They dont want us to think, no opinion for the masses
So hear my sensere appologie when i break your fucking glasses
when you want more than you need, you think that you need.
just chill for a while sit down, light some weed.
look up into the sky, then maybe you will realize.
the things you think you own, will mean nothing when you die.

Break free from the matrix of societys reality.
Do what ever you please define your own morality.
But always cherish life in her own true totality.
Or the result will turn out to be fatality.

spitting my rhymes from the haze of the twilightzone.
im tired of my life, tired of feeling like a clone.
and the clockwork is ticking inside my dome.
its just work, work, work yeah living like a drone.
cause if you dont go to school then you aint nothing worth.
without a degree you will spend your life as a clerk.
but if you memorize their knowledge then you can go far.
get a wife, get a house, and a tv in your car.
buy shit you dont need, because you need to feel important.
was all this ment to? Or rahter what we were bendt into.
manipulted by our egos, we feel bad and insecure.
a crisis in consiousness, in a need for a cure.
a kick back on the path to of our one true purpose.
shamnistic knowledge only scratching the surface.
the return to yourself, the return to the beginning,
the journey to your true self, is only just beginning.

Break free from the matrix of societys reality.
Do what ever you please define your own morality.
But always cherish life in her own true totality.
Infinite love should be our reality.

Hoppas ni gillar! :)

(Inlägget ändrat av Mabande 2009-06-07 23:19:43)

(Inlägget ändrat av Mabande 2009-06-09 11:48:25)

(Inlägget ändrat av Mabande 2009-06-14 21:09:15)

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