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2009-04-11 00:01


University of life provides a perfect view of mans perversity/
Isn’t debatable, the evil of man is not a subject of diversity/
The debris will fall as lengthy and dark as not everyone is free/
No one can flee, un-liberated, no Moses will open up the sea/
As I say to thee, freedom is the key, the sky is the new frontier/
Earth, beautiful celestial sphere, paradise could be right here/
Light years of dark would not be adequate, no stars constellate/
Magnificent jewel of the Sun, no words of sound can dilucidate/
Languages couldn’t tell of the blue planet where life can dwell/
No pens can spell, eloquent enough to even portray the smell/
Of the green forests of the Earth, my home, where love await/
Yet it’s full of pain, harsh remaining sane, so filled of hate/
It’s never late, it’s never gone, it will always remain with you/
Love is strong enough to stay a life all the way through/
And the next to come, and after that, sometimes an infinity/
And when the curtains close, two will be one, end in divinity/

Amor Vincit Omnia