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Syntexxor - pop pop pop dead

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-04-09 20:52

Syntexxor - pop pop pop dead

Hello Hello, my name is Syntexxor, I reckon I met you last nite while you was fuckin your granny
you're shit, you ain't makin no hit
you make me wanna spit, and god damn you ain't fit..
you're a fat, just like postman pat!
I like to kill, always up the hill
everytime I kill,
I see your face, everytime I use my eyes to gaze, I hit your head with ma mace
in the head, pop pop you are dead
I like to kill, cuz I got skill
everytime I see your face, I have to say grace!
cuz you're so ugly, it ain't snugly
if you walk down the street and I see you, and you see me too
I hope you run, cuz I*ma have some fun
1 shot 2 shot 3 shot 4 shot, 1 popped, 2 popped 3 popped .. none..
i fckd all your homies, that's what your gf told me
when I laid her on her back, she weren't no slack!

she were like a duck.. but got damned she was good to fuck
I ran her over like a truck, and it didn't cost me no buck

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