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Anonymous: "Grocery griots and supermarket soul"

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-04-01 03:10

Anonymous: "Grocery griots and supermarket soul"

Just the same old routine like everyday/
Repetitive motion got me stuck in a maze/
Minutes to hours and hours to days/
I've been bumping' into corners trying' to speed the pace/
They raise the stakes, gain the momentum and loose the breaks/
It's the cream of the crop they relentlessly chase/
Plot an escape, leave the trans-fat and grab the toothpaste/
Come on follow the trace straight out of the craze/
The more that I think, the more my head aches/
Catch 22 years of age, still lost in a haze/
Spin the wheel and join the rat race/
Well I aint growing up, I aint changing my ways/
I got a bag full of funk and the world is my stage/
So pick up your skates and cruise the grocery aisles/
She said life’s a butter cup- cake covered in glaze/
Whether real or fake it really aint bout' the taste/

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