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Before the shadow swallows me

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-03-21 00:23

Before the shadow swallows me

The ideal picture you see of me my dear, I fear-
you owe my fear, But I'll concur this and share
The shreds that I've ripped apart, I'll put these thread
where it belong till every heart vein will be red
I'm trying darling, but every inch of my body
need rest, cause god know I'm trying clean up like wall-e
I wobble these days, cause I weaken you
and that've weaken me, need some peace in you
We need to climb a three, see the world as birds
you naging, I answer, you reply "you haven't heard a word"
-"You AINT listening" - I'm crawling, cant stand I'm disabled
telling me "take a note of this label- You are a failure"

Now when the shadow swallow me, I'm thinking bout you
all I ever tried so much, is make you beleive, I love you


En kantstött pelare som inte pallar trycket
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