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H.O.P.E (Heaven On Planet Earth)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-03-15 12:48

H.O.P.E (Heaven On Planet Earth)

Fick skriva ett par verser till öppningen av summer of love festivalen i London för något år sen. (Om inte mer... Glömt när det var...)
Tänkte dela med mig.


I’ve seen tears fall off the eyes, a child’s cry to earth/
I’ve seen soldiers loose all the hopes, seen life go to dirt/
Heard mothers shout their despair out to skies of dark/
No answers came beneath, lone echoes of the truest lies to mark/
“Dogs eat the dog, toward the ward, life should be hard”/
“Evil is luring around, sky’s burning, soldiers are on guard”/
Scare you of a hell below, tell you there’s a judge above/
That God belong to them, that God will choose his love/
That salvation belongs to those who swear the oath/
Give them a vote, your soul and heart, you give them both/
There’s no hell underneath our feet, they tell you deceit!/
Bullshit to eat, some phony writings to greet/
The purpose is deception of the masses, illusions of fear/
Otherwise would “HOPE” be true, terror would disappear/
Heaven On Planet Earth, it’s not only a childish dream/
We dream today, hope for peace in tomorrow’s gleam/

Stars glitter in the dark, the heavens of northern skies/
Alters the soul, tears the eyes, when thousands suns arise/
Worlds beyond your dreams, imagination is not enough/
Fantasies are just a tiny glow, this light is off the cuff/
Angels watch your path, stars glimmer beside the road/
From red to blue, in billions of colors they explode/
The truth is just in front of your eyes, just a thought away/
Love is true, it conquers all the words, all they say/
It won’t decay, never leave you behind, stays the times/
When it dies, it will sublime, in countless tones and chimes/
In a song that breaks the heart or moments so divine/
That’s beyond, that wounded souls starts to shine/
Tears dry up for a second so dear, a flash so clear/
A wish so aged, a sound of peace, a sonnet I hear/
A dream so plain, a vision, a hope for all it’s worth/
That we may achieve Heaven on Planet Earth/

Amor Vincit Omnia