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Just some thoughts on the tarpits that some call "The industry"

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-03-13 21:25

Just some thoughts on the tarpits that some call "The industry"

I added this on to a short verse I dropped on here earlier..

I just keyed this out, sorta fast like, but I´m still satisfied with how it turned out.

So I´mma share it with ya´ll.

And this isn´t aimed at anyone in particular, but rather to the anyone that´s frontin on me.
Or Industry cats that´s on sum complacent shit, thinkin they sittin pretty and what-not.

And if they still don´t know who they be, lemme put it like this:

The one´s that think they can´t be touched, cuz they got a li´l bit of fame,
bein semi-big gold fish, in a small ass duck pond. LOL.

Ya´ll ain´t even up on it like ya´ll should be, couse there ain´t noone puttin that lyrical heat on you.

So ya´ll ain´t gotta up yer skills, couse heads out there got nuthin else to compare ya´ll with.

Digg that? If ya don´t, then read it again, analyze what I´m spittin at ya in my verse, and get yaself a clue.


Here´s the verse:

Top notch, upon top notch.
I getz that mail in a locked box!
fresh outta detox, now I´m slidin up in ya spots.
I´m tyin´ forget-me-knots, I´m still runnin witta have-nots!
And after decipering the Matrix, n´ exposin´ the plots.
Livin MY life´s like, pogo jumpin in a minefield,
tryina play hop scotch!
I´m all about beef, and you´re a butterfly porkchop!
I´m shootin atcha´ll str8, these kids got tricks,
like warlocks.
Tryin do a nigga dirty, ya heard me?
jus´ bring on tha chlorox!
Ya´ll ain´t fadin SHIT!
I´mma reach you, when I breach thru,yer li´l hater-blocks!
I´mma spit a couple MORE hot keys,
That´ll melt ya locks! UH!
I MOVE thangs!
Whereas YA style is inanimate!
Spittin Southamerican bars,
got fishscale! I´m servin niguz halibut!
They try to get to me, but I REMAIN staunch an´ adamant!
I ain´t even got beef with U, son!
I got beef with yer management!
How the hell they gone let you perp it like that??!
They got ya head all gassed up.
Got ya thinkin, that yer lame ass can rap!
That shit is WACK, to the third power!
It getz deep, ain´t NUTTIN sweet!
N´tha game is like my ´erb, it STAYZ sour!
Just keepin it funky witcha,
only way I know how to keep it,
to the very end , I ain´t content!
Phucc lettin shit ride, n´ phucc tryina count to ten!
I´m on sum Em shit! "I´m ´bout to kick that sick shit again!"
You ain´t ridin fo´real! Pushin a hyundai stick shift, my friend.
So I´mma set it on ´em, fuckin niguz up witta pen!
You ain´t KNOW?? It´s MY HOUSE!
N´ya´ll about to get evicted AGAIN!!

UPPIN THIS. Holla with feed.

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