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2009-03-10 10:51


Still peer-less.
You can´t startle the fearless.
I´M tha number one cause of yer stress!
Ya can´t breathe, with too much of it in ya chest!
This HEAVY fullcourt press.
I keeps it locked, for the full duration,
of the entire duress!
Banana clip contents, I throw the sharpest projectiles!
I don´t even MEAN to do it-but I wreck styles!
C-brown canvas, N´ I´m throwin out bleach!
That´s how I´m fadin these weak textiles!
I leave ´em lookin like, a FUKKED up tie-dye!
"I ain´t happy!" ´til the all-seeing eye cry!
So hot my pants ALREADY on fire!
Why would I lie??
AND, I got a ILL convo, that´ll out rap Lorelai!
"Reign" like a forest,
I stay spittin tha purest.
I´m lyrically rich-BITCH!
You verbally penny-less!
I´mma 86 ya, you´re insignificant.
Not important enought to have a name.
U´re jussa´ another number!
Don´t wake tha, purple, jolly-green, GIANT from his slumber!
Now go ahead n´ act a fool, I´ll stay cool as a cucumber.
Let you play yaself, and waste yer inferior ammo!
N´ while you doin that, I deck myself out in carhartt.
Gettin dipped out in camo!

(Inlägget ändrat av Mabande p.g.a. CAPS 2009-03-11 23:06:57)

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