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memories for me.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-22 10:24

memories for me.

Grattis i efterskott käre Valentin.

i can still feel it in my chest, like a burning flame
i can still see the place where our dreams were made
i can still see your hair in the redbrown colour, like it was
those eyes, with a perfect combination of green and brown
i remember i told you i could never live to let you down
but i did, and my only question isn't "why?" - it's "how?"

sorry i cant make up for what i did, but i still
love you for making me this man i never would have been
without you, im this boy too immature for vicinities
im too young to have this pain and to live like this

this time im saving all the bad notes for me.

three years later im still lonely as hell
i almost believed it when you said "we could be friends"
love doesn't work like a game, when it's over
but im all okey - everytime i'm not sober

the door wouldn't open, i tried all the keys
but the one i didn't have, was the right one for me
when i look at her picture, it still kills me inside
because i know she's gone, laughing with another guy
it hurts in my chest because i couldn't be true
and all this time i couldn't even say her name, she's "you"
im sorry for this, but i wont be your friend
i'd rather walk my way to hell... and that's where i've been

Ibland gör man rätt, ibland gör man fel. Lev med det.
