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More fuel for your jealosy and hate

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-22 02:44

More fuel for your jealosy and hate

UNTOUCHABLE (and thus hate inducing).

Modern Babylon, real life Matrix!
E´rybody scramblein, tryina reach the apex.
I lay tex´, (latex), like my pipe, with latex,
when I lay text!
That´s word bond,
ya boy is above n´ beyond,
tha level after next!
You cats be half steppin,
Like a "kami-kwasi"!
Soak game with a shammy,
wring it, then serve it to an aussie!
I´m an insecure top dog,
worried about bein too bossy!
I´m pro GUTTAH!
And Anti-flossy!
Str8 up and down,pound for pound.
I FROWN upon the glossy!
I WANNA, pay you respect,
but I´m afraid it be too costly.
Ya digg?
It´s cheaper to snap yer neck!
n´ then shake the smell hounds off me!
I´ll choke ya to death, with cotton swabs,
killin you softly!!


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