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Tical & Miwano - Whoa (Real Talk-series)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-18 12:44

Tical & Miwano - Whoa (Real Talk-series)

Skrev ihop en session. Read and don' forget to comment, mayns.. ;


I don't really understand this Whoa Game//
the only thing you'll get is no fame//
and probably you run away when you know change//
smiling with a burst face// when actually
it's just as fun as gettin' to first base//
And you know, it's nuttin' like that first taste//
so they say that I suck or can't write//
But stand the fuck up, or do you have stage fright?//
But even when Im blazed up, writing shit, I stay hype'd//
read this and you know Im talkin' real shit//
when you say I suck, you really feel this//
If i should start to rap, it would be a big hit//
while you "gangstas" Is right here, playin' critics//

I came and went for years; then back again with my Top 5-texts//
They like “who that hype-seeker trynna catch props ‘n’ respect?!”//
They read my lyrics; but they didn’t usually comment on them//
I was Bombin’ on them, still sick with it, I spit sessions and vomit on them//
Got into a dispute, with JohnBlond, that bitch-dude wanted to rumble//
Tussled and dissed me – I dissed too, why he even wanted me troubled?!//
I battled him successfully twice, and made his ass fall and tumble//
Had him crawlin’, talkin’, all dumb – and then made his rep totally crumble//
Now I earned some props here, you know I’m goin’ for the top here//
Passed so many levels, I’m ‘bout to reach the top stairs//
See me swervin’, sippin’, smackin’ ya sissies//, I’m sharp as –
Scissors; so sick, and smokin’, surely I’ll soon catch a psychosis//...

Miwano - Expect me to...