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Entertainment - One percent of what I hate in the world

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-16 00:28

Entertainment - One percent of what I hate in the world

Jo, detta var då ett kefft försök till att skriva Engelska igen.. Kanske inte så bra, men alltid roligt att pröva nåt nytt. Kommer antagligen att spela in den någon dag när jag tränat in flowet.

I've been sufficated by you fucking haters
all these cocky playas laughing, mocking Entertainment
So this is my way to give haters bitchslaps
And wutcha gon' do? Try killing' this track!
You say my skills lack, but I never quit rap
Cus when I'm ready I'mma make a new big bang!
That's how I do it, don't try with me
Even how steady your chokehold is, you never silence me
Even though you call my things rubbish
I couldn't care less, so I do the same, capische?
I'm so sick and tired, so sick of liars
That hates fights and tries to put down the violence with violence..?
----That makes no sense
If it did I would gather the world and brake their legs
Let me think for a moment, leave me free like Al Capone
but he didn't sing for the moment

Dra åt helvete!