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Nicked - Mirror image - Part I - English shit

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-08 15:40

Nicked - Mirror image - Part I - English shit

Once upon a time, there was a girl I knew
the prettiest and most popular girl in school
she was the girl in the dreams of the guys
until an incident occured, which changed her life
one day, she went to school and waved goodbye-
to her father, who was sick and stayed home from work
it was a headache, but that was just what we thought
when the girl came home she found her father unconscious
on the floor, she didn't know he'd been hit by a thrombus*
of course she got afraid, so she called her mom
who came home instantly, touched the body and said-
with tears in her eyes: "your father is dead"
the girl was silent, then she started to cry
she didn't understand why this would happen to her
he was dead, the man who'd support her in the hardest of times
but shit happens, though she still wonders why that occured...

to be continued...

Nedskrivet med tanken på dagen då min far dog, även om det är det enda sanningen i texten.

R.I.P. Tomas Dahlström (27/11/1962 - 20/6/2000)

*Thrombus = blodpropp (ja, jag fick googla det).

Oringatality-Battles brooooooooooooooooor!
