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the truth is missin

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-04 16:44

the truth is missin

text som har spelats in och som jag gjort beat till med röstsampling som säger "where is the truth, when u need it the most"

where is the truth, when u need it the most..

where is the truth, when u need it the most..

the truth is missin,
they use no wisedom
but cleverness, never the less
they use positions
on top of this planet of ours
stealin gold oil and diamonds, in never ending wars
Gold, Oil & Diamonds, that's how they spell GOD
then they rob everybody by the end of the month
and we're supposed not to think, and be cool with it
- actin like a stupid while they're schoolin our kids

it's like - "where is the truth, when u need it the most"
I'm like - "where is the truth, when u need it the most"

where is the truth, when u need it the most
when they've taken everything and wanna feed of your soul
it feels kinda wrong that the evil controls
the planet that they destroy, can't you see their goals..

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