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you were the flame in my eye

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-02-02 22:26

you were the flame in my eye

one last look
and then your gone
you were the flame in my eye
but since the first lie sliped out
everything you say
is hurting me

you think that I don't notice it
your beautiful eyes
wathing other girls
every time I saw it
my heart breaks in a thousand pieces

all the lies
create the deep injuris in my heart
I would like a time out
just some minutes without the pain
everything I see
remind me about you

the deep voice inside my head
tell me not to care
you left me
and you will never some back
but my heart don't want to listen
what ever I do
you will always remain in my heart

every night the tears come to visit
they are the only one who never leaves me
I can expect them to come every night
they are always with me
from early morning to late at night

but the nice thing about tears
is that after you've tun out of them
you will feel better again
then It's just the emptiness left
and the pain is gone
just for a moment

But on that little moment you can try to rebuild your life