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Klacc - Dont cry mom

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2009-01-17 15:56

Klacc - Dont cry mom

i´m sorry that i´m writin but i need to say
that you still are my mom from the first fuckin day
when i was little boy u was there - took me with a shine
and when u had a suprise u always had in the right hand//
i can remeber everything but good things became bad
when u told me "my little son you cant love your dad"//
"he´s gone now he have left us to be alone"
and when your new fucking guy tried to control our home//
i can never forgive you for that, i still hatin him
got some words to say to you (touch my mom i take some pills and killing him!)//
but it was hard for a boy who was not even thirteen
who everyday got to hear that he´s dad was hatin him
i´m sorry mom i couldn´t help you out
look at my scars on my arm i was supposed to flee - good bye//

mami stop cryyyy
we gonna see echother on the other side
but it will take a time
cya in some years i´ll met you on the other side!

Everyday he was drunk i was scared to go home
cuz the words he yelled "I GONNA KILL YOU WHORE"//
hitted my mom i cant describe the hate you gave
and when u took all our money, you took away my pain//
no tears for the things u made me went threw
i cant say that i liked you just that i fucking hate you//
all things i had, u wanted more then me
every night i had an dream "Someday i´ll take a knife and makin u bleed"
feed the dogs with your heart i promised my self
i never realized i was scared for my self//
when i see you nowdays, u aint worth a hug
now i know all about hate, but nothing about love

mami stop cryyyy
we gonna see echother on the other side
but it will take a time
cya in some years i´ll met you on the other side!

this is the end, i dont want something to do with you two
end of the road about family i wont miss you//
i got my girl- my dog - my dad - my job
my place - my cash - my life i´ve grown up//
so leave me alone now, i´m tierd of the hate
cuz every day is fucking my mind out help!//
i trying to annoy but it´s not so easy
i ´ve start loving my gir but i´m shitty
scared of what i can say, scared to be left again
men det spelar ingen roll för jag har börjat älska dig!!!!
So i cya mom, take care and thank you
and to your boyfriend i´ll always say fuck you - fuck you//

mami stop cryyyy
we gonna see echother on the other side
but it will take a time
cya in some years i´ll met you on the other side!

Klaga ej på min engelska, havent go to school från jag var 15:P

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