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2009-01-17 07:26


Har sysslat me att skriva texter ett litet tag så kritik uppskattas...

I'm throwing this, just like a flamethrower
Game Over, i'll role your ass over in my Range Rover

So take me serious, cuz i aint playing
There's no ecaping cuz my flow is crazy

So don't try to approach me, don't give a fuck how you are
I'll mess you up so bad, i'll fucking tare you apart

I'll take out your heart and cut in pieces
While your homies are greavin, I'll make those bitches eat it

Then I'll swing by your funeral and piss on your grave
You can call me insane but I'm still king of this game

I bling bling on the stage, sick rims on my ride
While you still glide on your ugly ass bike

So bitch you better act nice, don't make me bring this back twice
Cuz both you know and I know, your gonna lose this rapfight

And now it's time for a new blunt
So yall have a good night

Första på eng.. Pejs!