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Representanten - The golden key ( min andra engelska text )

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-12-10 21:52

Representanten - The golden key ( min andra engelska text )

Its like the world is locken to change,
what could hapend next what remanes?
Alot of questions with answers but no one dears to say,
its like they promised theirselfes to keep it secret down 2 the grave,

I wish i could find the golden key,
to open the lock to the world and solve the mysterys,
I can guarantee,
The key is the only way to change the world with speed,

Make blind peoples be able to read,
be able to make dead peoples live,
give childrens food instead of guns,
Replace war with love smiles and fun,

If you had this Key you would be at the same level as god,
use it the rigth way and not the wrong one..

Lilla fia pling plong.