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The heart of suicide notes..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-12-04 09:07

The heart of suicide notes..


I'll standing on the roof,
And now i'll jump for you,
I'm goin, coming back again,
Like before but I'll leaving then,
You didnt belive me like you sade you would do,
And now my mind goes crazy about you,

The heart of the suicide notes,
Laying on my bloody throat,
I cut it open bacuse of you,
I Had nothing left to do,
But now you standing ´there alone,
You'll thinking what have I done,
youre mind goin crazy then,
Just like before but now I'll leaving again,
You will see the end of me,
once again I will bleed,

I'll standing on the roof,
And now i'll jump for you,
I'm goin, coming back again,
Like before but I'll leaving then,
You didnt belive me like you sade you would do,
And now my mind goes crazy about you,

The air is so calm and I feeling alone,
I feel the pain from my bloody throat,
My tears falling down from my tired eyes,
i'm blinded of those white lies,
I feel youre head on my chest,
This is the time I have left,
My mind goin crazy i fall apart again,
And now is my question when,
I feel my bloody throat and my tears fall,
I stand on the roof and now i will jump.

I don't know what to say no more,
Everything is like before,
I cut my throat and I jump for you,
And now I'm in the middle of a depression,

This is the heart of suicide notes


And I was better where I was miserable, why didn't you leave me there?