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Loosecannon - Skrytskit

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-10-01 22:29

Loosecannon - Skrytskit

Droppar något litet bara, uppskattar gärna lite kommentarer.

Loosecannon the phantom, lacks the physical form-
lacks everything from morals and etics to typical norms-
dont bluff yourself trying to be street on your record-
cuz when i battle two mcs i'll eat the first then pick my teeth with the second-
bitch, battle the cannon was your biggest mistake-
cuz now you're standing there with a gun to your face digging ya grave-
im fearfull and scary , packing atleast a million guns-
while you sound more like the hiphop version of william hung-
So Keeping pushing your shit without any feedback-
you can only get your album in stores wearing kneepads-
so get out of the couch and start finding a job-
instead of complaining about it while writing your blog-
im a scumbag, a bigger fish than the president-
whos building nuclear-rockets with artificial intelligence-
because i'll stop at nuttin', my sound be fuckin' bumpin'-
loosecannon, the resualt of the whole worlds drug consumption-

