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Noodle- A drunken lyricist(engelska)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-08-06 01:47

Noodle- A drunken lyricist(engelska)

I had enough, its been a bitter day,
I was into stay but now im leaving this town
with the midnight train in the pissing rain...
im fed up with my life, no more wicked games...
like when the friends i hung with were shipped away
by the "city-mens" for not beeing proper citizens.
or the time when i felt my ever illest pain...
it was when my little babe, who used to take me to
her hidden place, said- you'r just a filthy drain,
drinking through our stay...so shit the same!!!
...some people rip my music but she ripped my face...
if her life was a couch, I was a stinking stain...
I can see myself in 15 years and the middle age,
sitting, enjoying my ever most listed tape...
a drunken lyricist looking at his last written page,
breaking into a bar...like a reverse prisonbreak

min andra eller tredje engelska text någonsin, den första på typ 3-4 år...så jag pallar inte massa tjaffs om gramatiska fel och skit...haha, men jävligt kul om ni som checkar pallar lägga kommentarer...
