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2008-07-29 00:10


It aint a long time since I started this rap-thing/
but im already married to it, i got the finger and i got the ring/
in the world of hiphop my brain is the prince and my mouth is the king/
and i never wanted it and i'll never be a bling-bling

Cause im just here fullfilling my time/
In this Babylonian prison where art is a crime/
and I think its our duty to bring it out loud/
From the Hiphop-world where culture is allowed

Dont you wanna meet new faces/
Dont you wanna learn new lyrically cool phrases/
Dont you wanna get away from this world where the cops chases/
you everywhere you go and raises your hateness

" So come to the Hiphop-world
where yer lyrics are cash
Come to the Hiphop-world
Where you arent treated like ash
Come to the Hiphop-world
Where you can live free
Come to the Hiphop-world
Where you dont have to flee "

Why does it have to be/
That were living in a world where anarchy/
means violence and bombing? See/
anarchy is a way to live,free

It's no wonder that im running away/
Searching for the Freedom-bay/
i cant find that so Hey/
I live in the hiphop-world, is that okay?

From being that little blueberry-boy
i've grown to the man that'll conquer the world with joy
flowing like a river in the spring
as beautiful as the autumn-leafs fall i do my lyrical thing
im like the chorus in masta aces beautiful
and as good as cunninlynguists album "will rap for food"
i know the answers to the book of this rap-game
so i know that just like that i wont fade!



Detta är en sång som jag skrev för ungefär ett år, sista delen (from being that little....) addade jag från en text jag skrev på jobbet i sommar. Kunde ha satt till en vers men det blev ganska bra såhär. Kanske lägger till en om jag nångång skulle få studiotid. Jag har skrivit många texter men det här är den första hela sången jag har gjort ensam.

