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Secretly Hidden

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-07-28 01:40

Secretly Hidden

The power of truth is strengthening the key of defining
And what about the lies the government is secretly hiding
All the corruption the media's easily buying,
No point of letting people down so what's the reason behind it
I am the one of few who is wanting the truth to be told
I guess it's too late, they have all been losing their souls
Every main issue that has been lately discussed,
is nothing that the politicians would have taken care of...
The faith and the love is something that we're constantly searching
Trying to escape every little problem emerging
The limit is reached and still we're crossing the verges
...And who said that life gots to be perfect?
Fuck bein' polite, I guess that I'm totally heartless
The ones who're destroying the world are the moral imposters
Self-destruct and the people will have one person less to hate
The awaiting of happiness seems to be an endless race...

Interista cazzo vuoi, puoi cantarlo quanto vuoi - ma i campioni dell'Italia siamo noooi. JUVENTUS