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Question The Truth

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-07-25 23:26

Question The Truth

It's funny how much you can deliver through music
While it's all about what we're realistically doing
Like the similarities between magicians and losers
We're constantly given descriptions of these visions and futures
I prefer lyrics, developing vicious improvement
Chemical reactions happen, causing blizzards and fusion
Have you ever wondered if life is a picture or movement
Personally, I've viewed life as a brilliant illusion
It all seems to be fantastic when you're closing your eyes
Discovering all kinds and types of glory in life
Suddenly you awaken, facing the issues and trouble
And you want to escape reality and live in a bubble
Ever felt deceived, wanting to keep your friends in a tube
Then you manage to have every word expressed in the booth
I've realised that I might have learned a lesson or two
Hmmm... I guess it's a wrong action to question the truth

Interista cazzo vuoi, puoi cantarlo quanto vuoi - ma i campioni dell'Italia siamo noooi. JUVENTUS