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Mr Hemlig - De är en rap om ingeting så alla raps kan gå omkring

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-07-14 23:30

Mr Hemlig - De är en rap om ingeting så alla raps kan gå omkring

ye ye ye ye.. ya`ll heard me!! YA HEEEARRRRR
This right here isn´t the bomb. 'Cuz, Mayn! You know app and them! They all hating.
So fuck em'!

Blazin' ? Ye Im puffin' em'!
Like the Big Bad Wolf Im huffin and puffin' it down
Call me a cop, 'cuz Im cuffin' and bringin' you down!
Got my homeboys and my family
Hear a hoe´s noise! So dont blame me!!
Bitch! Shut the hell up.... -( SMACK )- I said... SHUT! THE! HELL! UP!
You´re disguisting like Two Girls One Cup
Like, did someone ask you?
Wanna get a debut on lickin' mud-butt?
Laughing at it when I have a bud cut
Screamin' ANTE UP!!! ehhh?.... what?
Was only joking maaayn!
I is screamin' PANTY´S UP at the ladies!
Don´t care, gonna take here vigilante like baby`s
Oh fuck! Nasty fucking rhyme/
Don´t harass me fucking sublime ass motherfucker
Fuck! It was a joke! No dont rise! NO! NO!! NOOOOO

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