seban - useless
va ett tag sen, ännu längre sen jag droppade engelska... ett försök i alla fall - lämna en kommentar!
all the time in a struggle I give you one advice, dont give me a chance I will problaby fuck it I will screw it up, I will blew it up and in a relationsship I wouldn't do enough
it feels like im trapped and its so dark that i cant hardly see no chains on my fists but im still not feeling free trying to walk one step, but with no effection cant move but it feels like Im running in circles with no direction
tell me, what happend to the star that took me here still within me, but what happend, never saw it dissappear i try to reach up, hope that you take my hand and pull me up, so I could meet you man
it's been awhile, but you are still stuck on my mind crying - I go to visit you every one in awhile still sad as hell, but I guess Im doing allright I just want you to come down, and be by my side... but shii...