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HSK och Anenkefali - Death Notice

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-05-18 23:47

HSK och Anenkefali - Death Notice

Session såhär på söndagkvällen. Om ni inte är matematiska så är det 16 bars per person. Inte mitt språk, men jag är bäst ändå. Eller?

Snortin' coke, chokin' hoes, blowin' holes as I´m showin' off
and to provoke I would be fightin' or sewing your "snake" OFF!
So fuck you! You ain´t frightenin'! You standin' at a motherfuckin' bake-off!!
Read this you will be enlighted like a pathetic loser at a shake off!!
and my face is red becuse im energetic like I´m athletic
so fuck a beatin' I rape you´r ass on some anesthetic
In prison I´m frenetic and you will be my bitch with cosmetic
Fuck all ya´ll feminist´s, if I missed you will se my fist
ya´ll motherfuckers shouldn´t even EXIST!!
Have a list of people to kill! this is a sick list
hahahaha! Don´t even try kick to resist!
Now bitch feel my slippery dick
dickin' her with a thick stick!!
damn.. All you say is "fuck, you kick shit"
And the only thing I say is "Damn, flip that spliff"
And I´ma end this with a beat that bitch!!!!!

At first when I kidnapped your girl, she actually feared me
But now she's on her knees begging me to come again, like she didn't hear me
You're no way near me, 'cause I'm high with the junkie
I call my hood "Asia" only because you come here and die like a monkey!
So what is this? New kid at english but still in charge, you're the mistress
I made a horse assfuck you just to show that I really mean business,
that's some really mean business! And you know I'm always the same
raping disabled people, while yelling at them "Stop being so lame!"
I'm also known for fucking politicans, with there own speeches
and teasing armless people for being HANDicapped and reachless
So meet me in a dark alley tomorrow night, I'll be right there
I'll be ready for you, I'm not the one going to face my fear
, I'll be nice, I can skip the brass knuckles, we can fight fair
my bare hands will be enough to send you to your last nightmare!
I'm ending your misery, you're in a body bag, but I'm still mad pissed
I think I'll kill the rest of you're family, 'cause they're on my black list