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Perspective - Impregnable and incredible

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-05-15 23:58

Perspective - Impregnable and incredible

They say after the worst days comes sunshine
Well I say after my wordplays comes punchlines
Flow's the best, blow holes in your chest
Kill you and those who's left froze to death
Talented people knows I'm blessed, a ghost possessed
Leaving most impressed and other goes depressed
You torture real lyricists with some terrible rhymes
I torture wack lyricists with uncomparable lines
I'm in my prime about to commit unrepairable crimes
Turn your life around and bring unbearable times
Your clothes will become unwearable designs if we ever meet
Whoever I endeavor to beat gets send to heaven's street
Don't ever speak or I'll sever your cheek -
From the head and you won't even be able to speak
Motherfucker better play the hand you're dealt
Cut off your legs and get you suicidal cuz you can't stand yourself