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2008-05-14 12:55


We are forced to listen to the poluted opinions of the masses.
So hear my sensere appologie when i break your fucking glasses.
But no really, hey i couldnt fucking care less.
God bless, i will still go to hell with the rest.
So screw theese religious freaks with their unrealistic belives,
Corupting our children when they are planting their seeds.
Worse then anti-drug propaganda they are poisoning minds.
Still it has been this way since the ancient of times.
But its all about to change people are about to realise,
That religion is hate and god is satan in discuise.
We are bread to be free, but we are if we dead see,
Through their politcal bullshit, so to the tv we flee.
And you cant grow seed so youre stuck with beer.
But when the goverment makes money, the goverment cheer!
So you better start to hear, what really is going on
Stop repping your hood, and think of where you are really from?

Inte skrivit något på flera år men satt nyligen och skrev lite blandat bullshit.
Vart rätt nöjd med det här endå.

Är medveten om att många ord säkert är felstavade men så blir det när man inte använder engelskan lika flitigt sen man slutade skolan :P

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