ironi lyric (engelska) - danz... (kolla in)
Tired of people who thinks everything people write is serious.. So stop asking those stupid questions.. and read
You cant miss me if you walk by me I'm white with blonde hair, that sounds just like a queer Atleast I am not like you jerkin of to you'r star "cher" *Cheese* the photograph said when I sat naked beside the chair He smil'd and look'd at my balls and try'd to imagine my penis *Like why I thought?, like this guy never have seen it?!" "-Please priest this guy need jesus" They think homosexuality is some evil demon Atleast of aint licking anything its better to take someone's seed What do you say? you disagree? -Whops- somebody shot you I guess it was me beacuse you aint have a shit to speak Just shutup please cause I know your type, the "dramaqueen" You sitting at the toilet seat and smoking good weed with me Beacuse you think your life is so miserable, well Go to the dentist and I promise you he will fix your freinds list Then you wont go around and be that pissed Well this was it, ironi lyric that you cant spitt
Ville skriva nån ironisk text, tyckte det gick ganska bra.. Ganska avancerat, kanske lite eminem flow på nån av hans låtar med olika speeds..
Well, kommentera.. ge gärna kritik om ni ska klanka ner på nånting.. Säg vad man kan förbättra:)
peace ha det
Kallar du det där magi, jag leker med din fantasi