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the_celtic I see a girl

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-04-22 20:18

the_celtic I see a girl

i se a girl se smiling at me
i thing i like her so it can be
she take my hand and we walk at the beach
she is very kind she´s no a bitch
i like hers big blue eyes
and here shiny hair so cute and so nice
i like her boobs and her little but
she is so beatiful why? (därför att)
i wanna have sex with here if she will
i ask for here name and here name is april
she want me to be her husband
of course i say smiley and i say i understand
we go home to me and watch at a movie
we have sex in my sofa and it was no fantasy
i lie in the bed and walk up from my dream world
evrything was a dream o my shitt damn am a durk


LoVe Is WoRd Of EvRyThInG =)