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hsk - namedrop 2008. Fuck the famous!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-04-14 15:26

hsk - namedrop 2008. Fuck the famous!

We got all the popular writers like:

Jack,Kammel,Hubler and APP

I jack their rhymes with my gat

Now give me some fuckin' critics bitch

And then we got sneee and raymo!

Some goddamn bitch wannabe analytics.. HA

He will claim who is the greatest..

and BITCH I will chew and spit out your crew!

Ch1ll and fleshbuck are beef masters

Dropin' fresh shit faster then a delivery truck

dizzy is my bwoi! got one of the illest vocabulary

Fucking brazilian bitches and would clearly slay you!

Got to have a vest when you face the smallest..

JUUUUUNGSB! Didn´t like my lyrics cuz he couldn´t

understand 'em! But he is probably gonna be as good as me

Who else do we got? TheEmerald!

With a little training you would be a lyrical genius in your mind!

and aahh shit! Can´t remember anyone more....

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