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Tjalle - Streetz where i liv (första engelska)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-04-14 15:22

Tjalle - Streetz where i liv (första engelska)

min första engelska text..

in my neborhood you have to watch a back
or maybe you will be attack from the back
smack the crack and people are act crazy
if you are at home you cant be a lazy
cos this is where i liv
this is where people give
fight with you if you look like a kid
or maybe in the night when you run from a bitch
why do people wanna put a knife in body
how many people are nice? NOBODY
yeah i drink a beer and i think it is cool
cos i am not a fool but i go to school
people think i rule,i say  "fuck the rules!"
cos my gun is a tool and i think it is cool
sell drugs in my neborhood
one thing: it is really good
move slow or i am a shot you
cos i am high like a real pot dude
i dont care if my father is alkholic
i dont want and other life and i know it
Broklyyn all day where i liv in my house
are you man or maybe a fucking mouse?
west side till i die baby i fuck the girls
all of the girls in this shit world
so if you want to come to my fucking neborhood
you beter have a gun or maybe you not should

ny text i lyricism - Tjalle - En alkoholist's bekännelser (del 1 av 3)

/Tjalle -08