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I'm not catholic but this is my conession

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-04-11 23:55

I'm not catholic but this is my conession

the haze lays heavy in the room, smell the aroma
picture the empty Coronas, hell if I'm sober..
sittin by myself in the sofa rememberin over
the times when every day was swell but they over
so I spark up the phillie, let's talk for a minute
bout the dark that we feelin, the wars in our inner
this is bars of a sinner in hope for redemption, I
looked in the eyes of God and wrote my confession
I try to not smoke this dope but it's temptin
cus when I fire up I can cope the depression
I blaze this bag of weed so I can allay the agony
but in the end these drugs will break your family
apart, cus a relationship can't be built on lies
but you can pick up the peices still.. and rise
visulize these pictures I'm paintin for you
so you don't make the same mistakes that I do

borde fortsätta men pallar inte skriva mer