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No baby zips allowed!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-04-10 23:26

No baby zips allowed!

I'ma show you that I don't give a make love
And bring some IRL-shit to these fake thugs
Pop the cap, and I'm not talking about guns
Miller, Killian, Murphy and Kenny are my Buds
Where were you when Jason got clocked by fucks
You said: I ran..! like where bombs are dropped
Alright, fuck is up?
Bottoms up!
Ah, shit, you know I'm in it

Who am I to hate?.. But wait just a godamn minute!
Who's the fuck is that, being louder than me, sayin cheers
Pop the cap! This time I'm not talking about beers
I'm just intoxicated by fake smiles
And bitchass rappers actually rhyming with "8-mile" ;D
While real Cs keep facts straight like dateline
I'ma make this club shake like
Earthquakes when the world ends, It's certain!
And pass my beer around, like it's crew's girlfriend
Drink drink drink! No baby zips allowed motherfucker
Brickwall, Go get your Xcider like these other suckers
Gangs are urban tribes, a beast of burden revived
I can't believe I'm shitfaced on a regular thursday night

Me? What? naw, I'm the kid closing curtains
Perfect? No, I'm a brew slamming guy with a purpose