chaos in a system (4x8bars.eng)
pt.1 (security codes) security codes insecurely handled, i call it false hold your horse, a ball rolls with yall next fall the wall fell but did it really fall, be not sure links, data gathered, smugglers behind the laws security codes, security codes inside the building a offensive firewall in the dark heart screaming the image painted by these thief's i can not handle dismantled planet, gold n silver left us rusty panels pt.2 (outcome, a fatality) public security, insecure public, a moshpit the desk inside the office, sleeping coffins humans, cyborgs cry wars and humans die for heads over, heads held a well shut dutch door molded mentality floats far from reality controlled brain surgery, outcome, a fatality casualties, its all over, a stone born clover to clever never, a severed age still working pt.3 (chaos at the railway junction) i travel behind my sky, always marvel i see a child playing with rolling marbles store the charges, vintage luggage, iam thinking sink my teeth in, a sinking ceiling never sleeping the creepy parts born from start, a scart cable connects my heart, lost its plating around mars muted stars constantly appear, the graphic symbol out of function, chaos at the railway junction pt.4 (seconds rapidly sprouting) disorder in the upper case, confusion in the lower a flame set way back burned the fuses in the storage yet the flame contains a spark yelling, fire fire from inside the broken dryer, soon it might retire a demonic liar hurting itself searching for fuel trapped like neon, this demon buried the jewels scared of loosing, scared of rules, behind the truth dwells a secret fountain, seconds rapidly sprouting
människorna i min tillvaro är som glasdörrar antingen ser jag igenom dem eller så öppnar jag dem och går igenom