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The Basis - Splitt

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-03-25 22:37

The Basis - Splitt

Skrev den mer som i dikt-stil skrift än rapp stil, men den var helt okej tycker jag :P
Min tredje text :)

Skulle uppskatta kommentarer! =P

The Basis

I never promised to be perfect.
Nor asked for you to be.
I never needed much at all,
Just your respect for me.

 The things we said were different.
Our opinions weren't the same.
And it seemed to add some contrast,
Our debating was a game.

But it seems we've lost direction,
And the cost seems rather high.
Debate has become argument.
What have we done? And why?

You misconstrue my interest
As "I'm prying" so I'm told.
Attempts I make to bond with you
Get labeled as "control."

I thought our love would be enough
To keep us firmly grounded.
Where exactly do we stand
Within this love we've founded?

Have we forgotten creativity?
Each viewpoint heard in turn?
Our basis? Our foundation?
Our friendship and concern?

What have we done? Where did we go?
What purpose? Where's the gain?
Stubborn. Cold. Unwilling.
The basis of our pain.

