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Redemy by fortas

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-03-22 01:57

Redemy by fortas

The streets is gettin colder for every day
Sometimes i get worried and to god i pray
When i talk to god i ask is there another way
The answers is between black n white it's gray
Pepz say they're friends but still they betray
There's no honor and loyalty left in this world
Such a loss you see the promises swirled
Swirled in the wind of total hatred and pain
Open your heart and see the tears of bane
I felt the bullets pierce my body real hard
I became cold and i was lying there on the yard
I feel dizzy i'm losing blood in the cold
A light appears i see my childhood as told
I'm in my mothers arms and i feel god
This was a reflection of a member in Deadly Math Squad

What keep me goin is goals // Muhammad Ali