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Dstm - Get up

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-03-12 21:31

Dstm - Get up

Okej, har reccat denna låten, men är för feg för att lägga upp den på whoa eftersom den suger i min åsikt.

Get up
why don't you manage to reach the top?

Get up
And give as good as you can

Get up
Don't you see that i've had enough?

Hey man i heard that shit was true/
I have issues aswell, but not as much as you/
I'll help you out, we're brothers for life/
I remember the times when we were young/
down in the streets, living our lives/
Running from cop, that sons of bitchs/
You were a true friend, you never snitched/
We swore at our lives, we will be old when we die/
The day you got sick, was the worst of my life/

So why don't you.

Few weeks later, did you hear my prayers/
The guy up in heaven might hear what im saying/
Count on me man, i ain't no betrayer/
You will make it im sure/
As told before, we are brothers for life/
Hope you survive man, and have a good time/

So why don't you

Man, i'm feeling sick, thinking bout suicide/
You're feeling worse, that's not really a good sign/
I don't wanna live without you, i swear it's true/
If i wanna live my life, i wanna live with you/
So get better and we can start again/
Maybe the same, maybe something else./

So why don't you

Oringatality-Battles brooooooooooooooooor!
