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Spex - Love pt. X

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-22 23:34

Spex - Love pt. X

I'm bitter again, so I letting bitterness spin
In the bottom of a glass filled with the most bitter of gins
Sippin' it in
Without a single drop of the bitterness spilled
On my withering skin
Life seems a blistering wind, spinning again
Opening windows, letting wilderness in
The feeling of kissing your skin, kissing your lips
Lost in thousand sea's covered seamless in midst
You even know how it feels t'be dismissed?
Is a feeling dismissed if it isn't even expressed?
Give it a rest...
And slowly start breathing again
Breed in the distance of feelings my friend
And put hope on that ends will meet in the end
Nice guys finish last, I'm running out of gas
Lacking one meter to the finishing win
And I go on with the feelings again
Like ten texts gets me nowhere
And I leave with the wind

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