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2008-02-20 00:47


Första versen:

the world is a fucked up place to live ingod said fight the evil forces but there constantly winningwe livin in a world of corruptness and fearso I dont believe in god cause why would he put us here?we cant even get our history alignedthink about it and rewindhow is our history really defined?by men in wealth telling us how our societies were upheldpolitically correct governments protecting there own necksthat’s what they put in the seeds of the next generationthat’s what they put in our educationwell fuck that I know our final destinationthe world will go under if they dont stop lyingstop thinking about money and corporate giantswasting our resources for future appliancethere’s no point denying there are lots of factsthat would make critical impactif it wasn’t undermined by the governmentsand the president who signed called it propaganda even though it was the answer

håller  på att skriver och finslipar men vad tycker ni om första versen 

Fuck mainstream and there commersial sound, bigg it up for the underground